"W no Higeki" is an adaptation of a story by Natsuki Shizuko, which was first published in 1982. it absolutely was turned into a theatrical video in 1984, then acquired two separate drama modifications in 2001 and the year of 2010.
The new version on the story will have Takei actively playing two different characters. some may be Mako, the daughter of an major business conglomerate. she's always lived in ease, and as a consequence, she yearns to eventually grasp life with the woman's own hands. The some other character is Satsuki, a show pub dancer whom lives a solitary and destitute life inside a corner of the city and who desires money and power. even though the characters and setting fluctuate from the original, the drama appears to follow exactly the same concept of two ladies who exchange lives, resulting to various tragic events for both of these. --Tokyograph.
JDrama - W no Higeki ep 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4