"Mirai Nikki" appeared to be serialized in Weekly Shonen coach from 2006 to 2011. it had been released in 12 tankoubon amounts, which have had greater than 4 million copies seen. The story was also become a video game completely, an anime series throughout 2011, and a novel earlier this month.
The drama will use a classic story that differs from the manga, revolving around 12 those who obtain a "future journal, " which allows them put in writing "predictions" of the future that could come true. However, they're all part of per game of survival, in which they must use their diaries to try to kill each other and be the past one remaining, earning a place on the "God's chair. "
Okada plays Hoshino Arata, a lazy college student who doesn't trust spending effort or working toward the long run. One day, he gets a diary (the "future diary") on his cellphone, and he becomes involved amongst players of survival.
Mirai Nikki eps 1 recap :